Iandroidchris, Inc. Wiki
Iandroidchris, Inc. Wiki

wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject®[1] is a Graphic Design, and Software Development Company[2] by the parent company iandroidchris, Inc.[3] [4]. Created By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.,[5] established in 2019. Cryptocurrency[6], Clothing[7], Music Education, Education, Gaming, Anime/Manga, Software, and Open Source in Development.


The wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject® by the parent company iandroidchris, Inc[8] first started off as a hoodie, and clothing brand in 2019 on the "iandroidchris” website by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. In 2021, Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. deployed a cryptocurrency under the name "Lazyhoursproject(LHP)" on the Binance Smart Chain. The brand then grew from there. In 2024 Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. released, and published his second book named "5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject."[9][10] Today the brand consists of both cryptocurrency, and clothing, along with Music Education, Education, Gaming, Anime/Manga, Software, and Open Source Information in Development.


  1. iandroidchris shop https://www.iandroidchris.net/shop
  2. wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject linkedin companyhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject
  3. iandroidchris, Inc. wiki Fandom! Iandroidchris, Inc.
  4. iandroidchris, Inc. Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/iandroidchris/
  5. Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. (iandroidchris, Inc. Fandom Wiki!) Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.
  6. Lazyhoursproject Cryptocurrency Bittimes token https://thebittimes.com/token-LHP-BSC-0xbcb74a676ed848828d6fe4968344154f6bb4898e.html
  7. iandroidchris, Inc shop https://www.iandroidchris.net/shop
  8. iandroidchris, Inc. wiki Fandom! Iandroidchris, Inc.
  9. 5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject (@Amazon) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYYBHGDH?ref_=ast_author_dp
  10. 5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject (@Google Books) https://books.google.com/books?id=Rkr9EAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

1.Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. Page. 2. iandroidchris.inc Page.
